Discover Recall, the Ultimate AI Memory Tool for Your Windows PC

In the modern workplace, the amount of data we interact with can be overwhelming. Microsoft latest innovation, Recall, promises to transform how we interact with our digital environment. This feature, part of the Copilot + PC initiative, is a game-changer for information retrieval on our computers.

Recall acts as a digital extension of our memory, enabling users to find almost anything they’ve seen on their desktop. With just a brief description, Recall displays snapshots of relevant content, mimicking the capabilities of a photographic memory. This intuitive method simplifies workflows, allowing users to relaunch content directly from these snapshots, be it a webpage or a Microsoft 365 application.

Windows 11 Recall


Securing your secrets: How to prevent data leaks when using ChatGPT

The recent data leak by Samsung employees, which involved the use of ChatGPT, has raised concerns about the importance of workforce training and awareness when it comes to handling confidential information.

ChatGPT security and training


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.