How to install the first Windows 11 build

June 28th, 2021 will be in the history books as the day Microsoft released the first Windows 11 build for all Windows Insiders in the Dev channel.

If you would like to test the new version of Windows now you can even if your computer does not meet all the requirements originally announced by Microsoft as this build has been extended to more CPU families and does not include the TPM 2.0.

Get started with Windows 11


How to get YouTube thumbnail images in just 1 click

The other day while working in a solution to create a video gallery I had the necessity to get the thumbnail image of YouTube Videos. I had a look to the API but that required the use of an API key and the manual configuration of the user, after a while I found out that the images are publicly available for everyone to use in 5 different resolutions.

In this article you will find the generic URLs for each resolution and a small tool where you can paste the URL for your video and get the thumbnail and the URL for each image.

Get YouTube thumbnail


My experience building a Free Touch Deck

I’ve being thinking about acquiring a Stream Deck for quite some time but always thought it was a bit pricy, so when I saw the Free Touch Deck project promising a similar solution for just $20 I immediately jumped into it.

Even though the it requires the manual wiring of the hardware, Dustin Watts the creator of the project has it very well explained in the online tutorial making the entire assembly a breeze.

Free touch deck


Control how URLs are pasted in Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge has recently introduced a new way of pasting URLs in in the browser, creating a link format showing the site title as text and keeping the URL as a clickable link and not visible to the user.

While this creates a great experience for some users, there are scenarios where you would want to past the URL as plain text or scenarios where you are pasting the url in a web application and instead of getting a link you just get the site title.

Paste URLs Microsoft Edge


I am a Windows Insider MVP

What a fantastic way to start the year! Last Friday I received the news that I had been awarded Windows Insider MVP.

This is my first award in the Windows category, and I am very honored to be recognized as MVP twice by Microsoft as I continue to be an Office Development MVP.

Thanks to everyone that helped me to achieve this milestone.


2020 – The year review

Another year has passed and here is my usual review about everything I have produced and shared with the community during the last 12 months.

2020 was a year that no one will ever forget, the world was caught by surprise by a pandemic and in a blink of an eye we were all working from home trying to avoid getting caught by COVID-19.

Despite all the contingencies I did what I’ve doing over the last years and produced content to help others using Microsoft technologies covering essentially SharePoint, Microsoft Teams and even Windows 10 topics.


Get my Hands-On Microsoft Teams book for just $5 dollars

Packt the publishing company with whom I published my book Hands-On Microsoft Teams book is committed to help people to increase their technical skills in the beginning of the year.

With this in mind they’ve decided to run a campaign until January 15th 2021, offering a significant discount in several book titles.

If you want to start the year mastering Microsoft Teams don’t loose the opportunity to get your hands on my Microsoft Teams book, you can do your order here.


Boost your productivity with Windows 10 and the new Edge

Windows 10 and the new Microsoft Edge browser are better together, and the latest builds of both products bring a set of new features that will boost your productivity.

The features described in this article are available on Windows 10 Build 19042.421 and on Microsoft Edge Dev or Canary which means that if you are trying to test it in October 2020 you must be a Windows Insider. If you are not yet an Insider check out the article and discover how to become one.

Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge productivity


How to enable Project Moca – Your new productivity app

Project Moca is a new concept for a productivity app from Microsoft that is in public preview since August, if you are curious about it have a look how you can easily enable it on your tenant.

On Microsoft own words, with Project Moca you can simplify your workflow so you can focus on what matters. Add tasks, goals, notes, files from OneDrive and other cloud storage providers, links, contacts, and even emails and events, all into one dynamic space. Each space has a flexible canvas so you can customize and view your content your way.

project moca


Discover the Microsoft alternatives to the File Explorer for Windows 10

File explorer is one of the intrinsic features of Windows since version 1 and Microsoft has been evolving it on each release making it better and more power full.

Now with Windows 10, Microsoft offers two alternatives to the file explorer that you can use to manage your files in your system effectively or simply to have fun.

Let’s check how they look like.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.